Speeches and More
Design Guide Speeches and Toasts
Iowa wedding DJ/MC Cedar Falls, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Speeches and toasts are our most favorite moments of your wedding day. CVDJS takes pride in creating a memorable and unforgettable speech about your love story. You spend months and invest a lot of money into the day. The speeches are an element that the guests want to hear and experience. The design guide from CVDJS can remove the pressure of the speeches and toasts. A little work and preparation can create an amazing moment and the declaration “you knocked out of the park.”
The speakers give everyone a unique insight on the couple, they make us laugh, they make us cry, and they fill us with a sense of family. The speakers will show the respect and honor shared with all. The couples love story is described by first hand witnesses.
Traditional weddings included the best man, maid of honor, the father of the bride, and the groom-bride. Really, it’s whoever you want. Your day, your way. CVDJS recommends limit it to 5 speakers or the room will get restless. The choice should be the most important people in your life. No rules in a wedding. You can select whomever you wish.
Before or after dinner is ideal time for toasts. An opening welcome greeting is a great “thank you for coming” and an opportunity to give instructions for dinner. The opening welcome greeting should be given by the host/hostess or family member before the bride and groom arrive.
Select your speakers and order. Tell them they will be speaking at the celebration. Share the CVDJS design guide with the following helpful tips. “I will just wing it” is not a great idea. Think about what you will share and practice. Make a guide or write it down. Practice the speech. The speech is a special little talk where you articulate your emotions, feelings and memories. You need to make that meaningful and flawless. CVDJS Design Guide Speeches
Writing tips
– Be yourself, be authentic, and tell your side of the love story, is best. Honor the couple, avoid embarrassing a person. Don’t know how to write? Start with writing the ending first, and then fill in the rest, target a length of less than five minutes. You should have more than a “thank you and I’m happy for you both” but don’t ramble on for longer than ten minutes. Tell a story about your history that is interesting and funny. Inside jokes are just that, leave them inside, because none of the guests will get them. Write about the qualities you admire about the bride and groom. Write about the first time the bride and groom met. Share why you realized they were meant to marry. Give your best advice for a long and happy life together. Have positive vibes with a heartfelt vision for their future. If they’re the funniest person you know? You could talk about his or her sense of humor and share a funny occasion you had together. Tell an interesting story that doesn’t include risqué behavior. Good point to leave out rude and crude. Humiliation and embarrassment should be skipped. The shenanigan stories and bodily function stories can be shared later at the bar. All of the above are areas you can utilize into your speech. Just attempt to be PG13, that is short and sweet. Cherish the good memories. Introduce yourself with your relationship, and leave your best line for last, end the speech with a simple “raise your glasses” and say “i love you, here’s to you both, cheers.”Microphone Technique
Simple be yourself, hold the mic in front of your chin and speak normal. CVDJS Audix wireless mics will be ready to go, no need to turn on and off. The DJ/MC Host will introduce you and hand you the mic. If using a microphone stand be aware, when turning your head because the microphone won’t turn with you! Do not walk in front of or place the microphone near audio-speakers. CVDJS audix wireless mics have frequency feedback eliminators. Mic drops are not funny, and the wireless mics cost thousands of dollars. Don’t be that guy. Deep breaths and pauses make you confident. Taking a sip of water will relax nerves. Smile! it helps, and look occasionally at your guests. If you make a mistake? Smile and say “what I meant to say was” let it flow. Relax, be sincere, speak from your heart, and deliver a speech that will be remembered for a long time……for the right reasons. CVDJS Design Guide Speeches and Toasts. You got this, party on!
Father or Mother of the Bride
Keep it short.
Thank everyone involved.
Thank your spouse.
Recognized out of town guest.
Have fun but focus on the couple.
Be sentimental, share your thoughts of the moment.
Welcome the new son to the family.
Share a story of the bride growing up.
Raise a glass to two families becoming one.
Accept your applause.
Best Man and Maid of Honor
Don’t drink to much.
Introduce yourself.
Share your relationship but make the story about the couple.
Be yourself.
Humor, but avoid past relationships and uncomfortable jokes.
Use notes or written speech.
Keep it short and sweet.
Raise a glass to the wonderful couple.
Accept your applause.
Bride and Groom
Smile and look at each other.
Stand up.
First words, thank your parents
Second wedding party
Third whoever helped make the day happen.
Fourth thank your guests. Tell them what this means.
The rest should be completely about your spouse.
Why you adore your spouse.
Share your love story how you met, how you fell in love, how you got engaged, and how you feel now.
Raise a glass to the loved ones that surround you in the room at the reception and your future.
Kiss each other. Easy Design Guide Speeches and Toasts
CVDJS Design Guide Speeches and Toasts